Newletter 2



In partnership with the SAEPF technical group on NFI#2, experts from the UNIQUE-CAREC consortium developed and completed an inventory methodology. It has been developed taking into account the field work methodology of the State Educational Institution of Higher Educational Institutions and the first National Forest Inventory. New additional attributes desscribing forests and forest resources, obtained from the assessment of information needs with Krygyz stakeholders, were also taken into account.

For 6 types of forests: coniferous, walnut, juniper, pistachio, other deciduous forests and shrubs, strata were created (these are forest formations). A coordinate grid has been developed for these strata with various steps from 2×2 km to 8×16 km.

The coordinate grid also integrates the test areas for forest inventory (500×500 meters) and coincides with one of the three sections of the NFI#2. Synchronization was carried out during field work in the Ala-Archa National Park. Each path has a clear location, which is determined using modern GPS devices. In addition, the data of previously established trial plots help in the search for the right site. This is crucial for assessing the dynamics of changes in forests by re-measuring the same plots of forest inventory.

During the first inventory of forests, the number of tractors was 766, of which the number of tractors for work was 564. On the second NFI, the number of tractors was determined within 1300 tractors, as well as forest tractors of the first inventory (113 tractors). Within the framework of the second national forest inventory, satellite imagery interpretation and the use of field data are planned, which provided more than 95% accuracy and the map of forests in Kyrgyzstan will be updated.