in Kyrgyzstan

National Forest Inventory

in Kyrgyzstan

National Forest Inventory

NFI#2 Results


By clicking on the following file, the report on the results of the NFI#2 from the Kyrgyz Republic can be accessed. It contains an overall assessment of the forests from Kyrgyzstan, in addition to the applied methodology – including tract and plot design, inventory information as well as data analysis. The results are present in the chapter 3, including the final forest area statistics for forest and shrubs, presented by oblast and ownership type, main forest formation and tree species groups. Information, such as tree regeneration, protection status and additional forest indicators – such as erosion and damages – can also be visualized.

Final Report [PDF; 2MB]

Digital maps

By clicking in the link below, the digital map of NFI#2 results can be accessed. It shows the geographical distribution of the NFI result layers, per Oblast, Main Forest Formation and Region. Results can be seen per plot level or region level. Geographical features (Roads, Rivers) are also present.

See the digital map of NFI#2 results in our NFI GIS portal.


Newsletter 4

Newletter 2

Newsletter 1

Second National Forest Inventory for Kyrgyzstan

Ensuring sustainable development of the forest sector is impossible without creating a reliable and up-to-date information database on the state of forests, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, implementation of the principles of ecosystem services and adaptation to climate change.

The second national forest inventory (NFI#2) is one of the elements of the “Integrated forest ecosystem project (IFEMP)” project, funded by a grant and loan from the world Bank and the GEF and controlled by the State Agency for environmental protection and forestry (SAEPF).


About the NFI#2

NFI#2 is carried out in close cooperation between the state institution “Kyrgyz forest and hunting Inventory and Planning” (SIKFHIP) under the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry (SAEPF) of Kyrgyzstan and Unique-CAREC consortium. The project started at the end of March 2019 and will end in July 2021.


Even though forests cover only a small area of Kyrgyzstan, they are important for the environment. They regulate watercourses, prevent soil erosion on steep slopes and capture carbon. In addition, they serve as an important habitat for wild animals and rare plant species. Approximately 2.4 million people live in or in close proximity to forests and are economically dependent on them. More than a third of households use only coal and fuel wood for heating and cooking. They use forests for pasture and animal feed as well as for gathering non-timber forest products such as nuts, fruits, berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants.

Forest inventory is therefore an important element of sustainable public management for the conservation, protection, regeneration, sustainable use of forests, biodiversity conservation and the development of national forest policies. Forest inventory meets the need for prompt, reliable and relevant information on the status and dynamics of forests among government agencies, local communities, the private sector and civil society. This helps to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection.


The second National Forest Inventory will provide complete information on vegetation cover, will make it possible to create a complete map of forest species, to assess the dynamics of changes that occurred in comparison with the data of the previous Inventory. First of all, to determine the potential reforestation area, the share of old-age trees, the level of biomass and carbon conservation in forests, as well as to estimate the wood reserves. Fresh data will allow drawing conclusions between managed and protected areas.

The regularity of National Forest Inventory allows assessing changes in the Republic’s forests regardless of ownership. It will provide information for government agencies and society about the current state of forests and the effectiveness of measures taken in the field of environmental protection and forest protection. These are also required for international reporting under the country’s international obligations: the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the FAO Forest Resources Assessment.


  • Objective 1: Review the scope and adjust the existing sampling methodology and design

    For reliable analysis of changes between the first and second inventory, a methodology has been carefully constructed that will be applied in …

  • Objective 2: The holding of the national land cover classification

    National land cover classification is necessary for preliminary stratification. These land cover classification data will reduce the number of …

  • Objective 3: Conducting a field work in the framework of NFI#2

    he implementation of the field element, including survey and quality control, begins in June 2019, and the second-in the spring and …

  • Objective 5: Capacity building to ensure sustainability of the NFI

    Capacity-building for the national forest inventory and monitoring cycle is another thematic area. The forest inventory and monitoring group will be able to …

  • Objective 6: Communication and dissemination of information about NFI

    Communication is an important tool for ensuring support and acceptance of NFI results. This should be considered as part of the overall objective of institutional …

  • Objective 4: Synthesis, analysis and report on survey data

    The strategy for compiling, analyzing, and even reporting inventory data has already been developed before inventory starts. This goal is to: develop …

Objective 1: Review the scope and adjust the existing sampling methodology and design

For reliable analysis of changes between the first and second inventory, a methodology has been carefully constructed that will be applied in future forest inventory cycles. The methodology will allow you to analyze and obtain reliable data on growth rates and productivity, survival and dying processes, use and regeneration. To ensure the reliability of the sampling methodology and design, the following tasks were performed:

Information needs assessment of the main actors in the forest sector and analysis of forest policy.

Review of the methodology of the second national forest inventory to identify aspects that require modification and improvement.

Inclusion of a new element as a national land cover classification.

In combination with modern data collection technologies such as remote sensing, this will allow you to exclude areas that are not forests or shrubs and get the most accurate data.

Objective 2: The holding of the national land cover classification

National land cover classification is necessary for preliminary stratification. These land cover classification data will reduce the number of deviations and improve the accuracy of forest inventory. It will also help to conduct a preliminary refinement of each cluster and sampling points of forest inventory. The classification system is based on existing land-use / cover class systems, as well as international standards such as the FAO land-use classification system.

Performing land cover classification includes several steps. The first GIS project was created, which will help in data preparation and pre-processing. This will also be the Central place where the classification will be completed and finally illustrated. All processes related to data preparation and verification on the ground, field maps and verification will also be performed within the framework of the GIS project.

To improve the quality of ground control and verification data, the team will also explore the possibility of using other or auxiliary data available in the country. For example, data from the State forest Agency’s forest management plan (FMP), which is available for approximately 13,000 sites in the country. At the beginning, a detailed analysis will be used to check the final map more accurately.

Objective 3: Conducting a field work in the framework of NFI#2

The implementation of the field element, including survey and quality control, begins in June 2019, and the second-in the spring and summer of 2020. The collection of field data is accompanied by regular field monitoring by consultants and the TTFI team. In order to ensure the sustainability of the process, the consultant team will pay particular attention to training the Supervisory staff and the staff of the SAEPF.

To collect field data, the programs Ореnfоris Collect and Collect Mobile were selected. After the internal tests conducted by UNIQUE-CAREC in the field, both the work of the Openforis Collect Mobile program and the field research methodology, the main training on working with Open Foris Collect and training on collecting field data will first be conducted for the Central NFI team (training of trainers), and then in the second stage – training will be conducted for all field teams.

Objective 5: Capacity building to ensure sustainability of the NFI

Capacity-building for the national forest inventory and monitoring cycle is another thematic area. The forest inventory and monitoring group will be able to use the results of the second forest inventory effectively and comprehensively. It will also be able to prepare and conduct future inventory cycles.

The team of the technical group of forest inventory (TTFI) is considered the core of such a group at the state institution “Kyrgyz forest and hunting management” (SKFHM). With this in mind, the focus of the capacity building process will be on the TTFI team. In addition, an IFMS group responsible for information technology, software, and related it infrastructure should be established as a division. This division should constantly work with the NFI software as part of the future of IFMS.

Thus, the team should consist of specialists who are technically capable of managing inventory tasks, databases, remote sensing, mapping and data processing based on sound forest management and applying information technology skills.

Objective 6: Communication and dissemination of information about NFI

Communication is an important tool for ensuring support and acceptance of NFI results. This should be considered as part of the overall objective of institutional reform and capacity-building. The goal of the project is to develop a structure that provides favorable conditions for more decentralized management and planning at the level of administration, forestry, districts and aiyl okmotu. Therefore, a communication strategy that provides more transparent management is important. The communication strategy is therefore developed with all relevant stakeholders and includes tools such as seminars, newsletters, web pages, official reports and training events. Communication is built into the management structure and is part of the project awareness campaign and social mobilization strategy.

In accordance with the goals of the strategy, a communication plan was developed that contains specific tasks and steps to raise awareness and channels for disseminating information about the NFI implementation process and its results.

Objective 4: Synthesis, analysis and report on survey data

The strategy for compiling, analyzing, and even reporting inventory data has already been developed before inventory starts. This goal is to: develop NFI software modules before using them as the main tools for performing all tasks within the NFI, and organize a data analysis workflow that will result in defined or custom reports in the format of tables, graphs, and maps. To achieve these goals, the following tasks will be completed:

Development of several software modules for the second forest inventory as part of the future forest management Information system (FMIS).

Data analysis using allometric equations and performing tasks using the NFI software to analyze NFI data during the workflow.

Capacity-building for experts and field team leaders through training courses on the use of software modules and analysis results.

The NFI project tools

The project team of SAEPF and GUKLOU and their partners from Unique-CAREC have setup an number of technical platforms for project management and fort he publishing of project outcomes.

NFI#2 Results map

See the digital map of NFI#2 results in our NFI GIS portal.

The Web-GIS and Reporting Dashboard

Is one software module of the NFI software. It can be accessed by the NFI project team and allows data management, data processing and analysis. In a later stage the tool will allow to publish the NFI results in the form standard reports and GIS-based visualization.
